Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 - Good coffee, snow and jaw-dropped Snowflake

3 things (I've noticed that it always seems to be 3... Good things come in threes? Three is a magic number?):

  1. I think as a Melburnian, we're spoilt for choice when it comes to coffee. Most places here make decent coffee, and it's easy to take that for granted. I had been away for 10 days.. in other words, I had gone without a coffee from my usual weekday morning haunt Plantation for 10 days. I don't know how I survived.
  2. Plantation Coffee
    On the way there I giddily anticipated my first soy latte in many days. I could almost taste the creamy, nutty flavours dancing on my tongue. I was so excited it was almost tragic. And as I took my first sip, it felt like I was being enveloped in a big, warm, comforting, bear hug. I love you soy latte.

  3. Snowflake peed on the bean bag yesterday. Grrr! I think being on her own for 10 days drove her a (wee) bit insane. Whilst removing the filling to get the bean bag cover and lining washed (and spilling beans all over the place in the process), I thought it'd be fun to pretend it was snowing.
    Snow Weeee
    Turns out it was plenty of fun!

  4. Every time Snowflake gets a whiff of her own pee, her jaw drops open almost like she's in shock, and she stays that way for a while. It's hilarious - cracks me up every time! Rawr


  1. I'm pretty sure that was snowflake showing her displeasure at being abandoned for 10 days Sammie! :P

    Plantation had better not ever ever ever close down.

    1. I'm pretty sure it was too! She usually never even gets on the bean bag.

      Agreed, and Ben had better not ever leave.

  2. That jaw dropping thing is them trying to smell something. Perhaps she confused her own pee for some other cats..hehehe

    1. Ohh you're right! I never knew!
      How fascinating!


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