Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 67 - Egg warmers and Snowflake captivated by a bug

Here are a couple of things that put a smile on my face today:

  1. Knowing that there are people out there who knit  t.h.e  m.o.s.t  a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e  egg warmers.

  2. Source: Imali's Etsy store

    Because just like poles, eggs get cold too!

  3. Watching Snowflake go spazzo while trying to catch a little flying bug that kept teasing her by sticking to the ceiling.
  4. Bug catching kitty
    Big kitty


  1. I've actually managed to get a few of those critters just cos of Toots. They make the room a much safer critter free place..haha


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